Meet Anna

Who’s Anna?

I was born and raised in Georgia—which means I’m hopelessly Southern. I love sweet tea, bare feet, and days spent at the lake. I tell stories for teens and write about the humor and hope found in everyday moments. Spend a couple seconds with me and you’ll learn some of my favorite topics are purpose, authenticity, and life lived with intention. When I’m not creating characters, I love to hang out with real people, wander the aisles of craft stores, and take cross-country road trips with my family.

I’ve always loved writing and telling stories. As the bossy oldest sister, I made plays for my sisters and me to perform. At age seven, I wrote a country love song and proudly sang it all. the. time. My sisters still haven’t let me live that one down.

I carried my love of stories to college, where I majored in English and concentrated in Creative Writing. I read lots of classic books, studied poetry and fiction, and took a class called “Backyard Games” to fulfill my Wellness credit (if that tells you anything about how athletic I am).

During my college years, I wrote two novels. One of them still sits on a shelf at my desk, waiting for the day I polish it up and share it with the world. I wrote the other one as an undergraduate honors thesis. You know it as All of This. I published this story the summer after graduation, launching me into the world of publishing. My second book, Just One Thing, continues the story of Sadie Franklin.

After earning that bachelor’s degree, I took a semester off before signing up for grad school. I left my beloved hometown and moved up to North Carolina, where I earned a Master of Arts from Southeastern Seminary.

These days, I’m back in Georgia: the place my heart calls home. I teach English and Bible to teens, and I spend my days helping students find their voice through developing a love of reading and writing. When I’m not hanging out with my students, I’m lost in my imagination, creating new stories to share with readers.

There’s a lot more to my story, which I share on social media.

Now I want to hear from you! Send me a message and introduce yourself :)



quick facts:

  • I’m the oldest of 4 girls.

  • Very Southern.

  • Introverted people person.

  • Natural red head.

  • Love languages: Quality time. Bread.

  • Friend-appointed queen of making playlists.

  • Bookworm.

  • I like to cook for people.